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All on 4 Dental Implants in Turkey

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All on 4 Dental Implants in Turkey

Brief info about all on 4

Question Answer
Pain? 😌 There’s no pain during the procedure; any post-op discomfort is mild and manageable with medication.
Procedure time ⏳ The All on 4 procedure typically lasts around 2 to 4 hours.
Success rate 📈 The success rate of all on 4 is typically high, ranging from 95% to 98%.
Exercise 🏃‍♂️ Exercise should be limited at first but can be gradually resumed.
Washing/Bath 🛁 Washing or bathing is usually allowed after the first few days, following specific care instructions.
Natural results? 😁 Yes, the results look very much like natural teeth in both appearance and function.
All-on-4 Turkey cost 💰 All on 4 implants cost in Turkey is generally lower than in many Western countries.
Anesthesia type 💉 Local anesthesia is the norm, with conscious sedation available if needed.
Why Turkey for All-on-4? Turkey provides affordable, high-quality care with skilled professionals and modern facilities.
Back to work 💼 Most people return to light work within 1 to 2 days.
Lifespan 📅 All on 4 implant lasts from 15 to over 20 years or more with proper care.
Healing time 🕒 The all on 4 healing period generally takes several weeks.
Flying after surgery ✈️ Flying is usually safe after about 2 days post-surgery.
Suitable age 🎂 Best suited for adults, especially those over 18, depending on individual health and needs.
Any scar 👄 Scarring isn’t an issue since the incisions are made inside the mouth.
Up & Mobile 🚶 You can be up and moving shortly after surgery, but carefully.
Any risk ⚠️ The all on 4 risks are minimal and comparable to standard dental surgeries.

What is the all on 4 in Turkey?

Dental implants are a relatively complex form of rehabilitation of teeth since they provide the patient with a long-term solution for tooth replacement that is compatible with his or her biology. The process entails placement of a durable titanium screw in the jaw that will act like a tooth root. This treatment also referred to as “endosseous implants” is mainly done by oral surgeons or periodontists who have undergone training in implantology.

According to the criteria for implant placement, the patient ought to be free from untreated periodontal disease, possess adequate bone density, and should have good oral hygiene. Esthetics aside, dental implants have a purpose because it enables patients to be able to eat and speak without much difficulty. The success rate of dental implants is above ninety five percent to as high as ninety eight percent, but implant failure, or infection can occur as a complication though rare.

All-on-Four Dental Implants provide individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth with a full set of teeth. This method supports a porcelain or acrylic full arch prostheses with four Dental Implants. All-on-Four prostheses need just four implants instead of the six to eight needed for full arch implant-supported restorations.

dental implants Turkey
dental implants Turkey

Who are good candidates for All on 4 in Turkey?

Candidates for all on 4 implants are:

Individuals missing teeth or with significant gaps: Patients who have more than one missing tooth or have big gaps in the dental arch are ideally suited for All-on-4 implants.

Patients struggling with traditional dentures: All on 4 teeth is a perfect procedure for those who experience some kind of inconvenience or instability with the regular dentures especially those who face problems with slipping or even removal of dentures.

People with impaired speech or difficulty eating: All on 4 implants are also effective for the patients with speaking or chewing difficulties caused by the tooth loss.

Those seeking aesthetic improvement: For people who desire an aesthetic improvement of their dentition especially the so desired Hollywood smile, all on 4 implants provide much improvement.

Non-smokers or those willing to quit: The procedure is therefore most appropriate for those patients that do not smoke or those who are willing to stop smoking as smoking impairs the healing process of the implants.

Adults over 18 with sufficient bone density: The most suitable candidate is above 18 years of age with enough bone structure to hold the implants safely and for a long time.

Individuals with healthy gums: Dental implants depend on healthy gingival tissues, so only the people with proper care of their teeth should apply.

Patients in good overall health: Patients should not have ant important heaslth problem.

Non-pregnant individuals: It is not suitable for use on pregnant woman as it is a surgery based treatment and the patient may need follow up after the surgery.

Those dissatisfied with their current dental function: This treatment provides benefits to candidates who are not happy with the way their current teeth or dentures perform most especially in terms of chewing and speaking.

Patients seeking a permanent solution: All on 4 implants are for anyone who wants a long-term fixed solution to their dental problems because the implants are created to last for many years if well maintained.

istanbul dental treatment

What are the benefits of All on 4 in Turkey?

All on 4 surgery provides several benefits to patient. Some all on 4 advantages are given below.

Provides a permanent fix for missing teeth: All-on-4 implants are final and permanent that provide a stable support for your new teeth.

Prevents further bone loss in the jaw: These implants in a way massaging the jawbone prevent bone shrinkage that is characteristic of individuals who have had one or several teeth extracted.

Enhances chewing and speaking abilities: This increases your confidence in speaking as well as eating because the implants used are stable.

Closes gaps in your smile: This treatment involves closing of spaces that are left vacant by the missing teeth and provide you with a perfect smile.

Less invasive with quicker recovery: Compared to other methods of implantology, all on 4 is less invasive and patients heal faster.

Reduces the need for bone grafts: Some patients do not need other procedures such as bone grafting, and this therefore makes the treatment process easier.

Offers a photogenic smile: It also has impressive outcomes in terms of aesthetics since it provides you with a smile that is bright and perfect.

Increases comfort compared to dentures: As compared to the conventional dentures that can be taken out and placed back, these implants do not move and provide better comfort.

Improves oral hygiene: These implants are easier to clean and maintain hence the dental health of the patients is improved.

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How do I prepare for All on 4 in Turkey?

The All on 4 dental implants turkey consists of the following all on 4 steps. Depending on the patient's condition, extra procedures such as tooth extraction, bone graft placement in the jawbone can be performed if needed.

Initial consultation: The first step is consultation. On this visit, your dentist will examine your mouth, do some X-ray tests, and scan your bone to see whether you qualify for the procedure.

Tooth extraction (if needed): Any of the remaining natural teeth that are decayed, infected or unfit in any other way will be removed before the implantation is done. This enables the new implants to grow in a clean environment hence reducing chances of getting infected.

Bone grafting (if necessary): In some cases, the jawbone is either not broad enough and quaility or cannot hold the implants. So the jawbone has to be grafted. This involves placement of a bone graft into your jaw so that there is sufficient support for the implant.

Implant placement: Then the dentist will surgically place four titanium screws into the jaw after your mouth has been prepared. These implants are used as support for your new teeth and are placed in certain angles.

Temporary dentures: Following the implant placement, a titanium abutment is attached to the implant and a temporary set of prosthetic dentition is positioned on the abutments in order that you are able to bite with your new teeth while your tissues heal. This helps one to eat and speak well for the duration that one is waiting for his or her permanent teeth.

Healing period: This is called osseointegration, and within the next few months your implants will become fused to your jawbone. This helps in creating a proper formation for your new teeth.

Final restoration: After 3 to 6 months of the implants being placed in your jaw, most dentists will replace the existing temporary dentures with the permanent teeth that are made to fit your mouth. These are meant to mimic real teeth in shape, size, shade and they provide you with a nice, long-lasting smile.

What are the steps to the all on 4 dental implants?

All on 4 dental implants process, which involves four distinct procedures, addresses edentulism in patients whose teeth have been pulled a long time ago and have reached an advanced stage of jawbone melting.

The Al On Four implants technique is applied in the following stages:

  • The patient is first given a general examination when they arrive at the clinic.
  • A chin tomography and radiographic evaluation of the patient are performed.
  • Treatment planning is carried out if the all-on-four approach is chosen. The prostheses are prepared following the taking of measurements for the temporary prosthesis that will be inserted following the surgery.
  • Taking into consideration the patient's enthusiasm, fear, and anxiety, our skilled dentists administer sedation, general anaesthesia, or local anaesthesia.
  • Using an all-on-four approach, our accomplished doctors complete four dental implant surgeries, starting with the upper jaw and moving down to the lower jaw. Following the treatment, the patient is fitted with temporary prosthesis. Without any missing teeth, the patient departs from the clinic.

How to look after All on 4 dental implants?

Take prescribed painkillers: Take any painkiller that your dentist has recommended in case you are in pain.

Keep your head elevated: To reduce the volume of the swelling and the numbness and the bruising, you should raise your head while the you are resting.

Stick to a soft food diet: While in the first few days avoid chewing with the implants, one should only take soft food to prevent putting pressure on the implants and as time progress get back to taking normal foods.

Avoid hard objects: Do not bite things or use mouth to twist something since it may affect the implants that have been placed in the mouth.

Maintain oral hygiene: Make sure that you brush your teeth, dental floss and use mouth wash in the right manner to avoid getting infections in the mouth.

Quit smoking and alcohol: No alcohol and smoking should be used to facilitate blood flow and assist in the healing processes.

Inform your dentist of any issues: If you feel or notice that you have a tooth ache or inflammation that does not disappear you should consult your dentist.

Attend regular check-ups: Sometimes you have to go back to your dental expert for check ups as a way of ascertaining that everything is fine and that the implants are well fixed.

How much are all on four dental implants turkey?

Location All-on-4 Price per Arch Explanation
All-on-4 Turkey cost $6,000 - $10,000 / €6,000 - €10,000 All-on-4 prices in Turkey are very affordable due to cheaper living and operating expenses.
All-on-4 dental implants abroad (Europe) €10,000 - €20,000 Higher All-on-4 dental implant costs in the EU are due to expensive healthcare and materials in Europe.

The All on 4 cost in Turkey depends on the qualification of the doctor, the location of the clinic and, if necessary, the additional procedures such as bone grafts. When it comes to All on 4 treatment in Europe, there is very long waiting period for tests as well and the prices are comparatively much higher. In Turkey, you can get the same without the long lines and with affordable all on 4 cost. Patients get economical All on 4 inclusive packages that include a pick-up from the airport, a hotel and round-the-clock access to the dentist. Due to the fact that Turkey is famous for tourism, many patients get to have both the treatment and tourism hence making All on 4 Turkey teeth very lucrative to anyone considering All on 4.

Contact Clinic the One for current all on 4 price.

Does all on 4 dental implants surgery hurt?

No, all on 4 surgery does not hurt during the procedure since the patient is put under local anaesthesia.

As the anesthesia wears off, the patients should expect mild soreness which is typical in the course of healing. These feelings of discomfort can be easily relieved by administration of drugs like ibuprofen. Applying ice on the injured part and use of cold compressions is advised so as to reduce swelling and enhance healing. It is better to raise your head to diminish possible sweelling. Visit your dentist who performed your treatment if you have persistent pain or bleeding.

How long do all on 4 implant treatment last?

The All on 4 implant ususllay lasts approximately 15 to 20 years to and if maintained properly, they can last longer.

The dentist experience also factors in a lot here; an experienced dentist guarantees the implants are well placed and this significantly decreases the chances of future issues. The choices that patients make such as smoking and taking alcohol also affects the lifespan of implants as they cause gum problems and affect the body’s healing process. Daily dental hygiene through brushing and flossing and dental prophylactic visits will come in handy in preventing gum diseases that may cause the shortening of the life span of the implants. Another factor is the quality of the material used; the higher the quality the more resistant the implant is to wear and tear hence will last longer.

Is all on 4 worth it?

Yes, All on 4 teeth in a day is worth it to do as this procedure causes many benefits.

In contrast to the conventional dentures that can be removed and thus; make chewing a food product a challenge, All on 4 implants are fixed and one can eat without having to worry. It also enhances your speech because in addition to holding the tongue in a better position it assists in the articulation of words. All on 4 restores your smile and confidence since it replaces the teeth that are missing and which gave gaps. Furthermore, this procedure aids in maintaining the jawbone structure so that it does not degenerate as is usually the case with the conventional dentures. In conclusion, All on 4 teeth implants procedure is a complete concept that improves your looks as well as your dental health.

Can All-on-4 implants become loose?

Yes, All-on-4 implants may become loose at times, but this is not frequent if the patient provides proper care to his or her oral hygiene.

Loosening is possible where the bone fails to assimilate with the implant, commonly caused by poor bone mass or poor healing. Other causes of the risk include smoking and poor oral hygiene, as these are likely to cause gum diseases that compromise the stability of the implant. Another factor that result to loosening of the implants include biting force, which comes with activities like clenching or grinding your teeth. In case of any movement the best thing to do is to visit your dentist as soon as possible.

How long does All-on-4 surgery take?

It generally takes between 2 to 4 hours on average.

However, this time can extend if further processes are required for instance tooth extraction process or bone grafting process. An experienced dentist can sometimes do it in a shorter time than the time estimated for the particular operation. The time taken also depends on the general dental health of the patient and in particular the quality of the bone in the jaw. It is also possible to reduce the time of surgery through employing of modern technology in the surgery processes and tools. However, if there is any complication which was not anticipated the whole process may take longer.

What is the average age for all on 4 dental implants?

All on 4 is carried out in patients aged between 50 and 70 years. Many patients begin searching for this treatment at the age of 44–48, when tooth loss or other severe problems with teeth begin. One might get All-on-4 implants when he or she is in their 30s or 40s if they have lost several teeth, but this is not very common. Thus, the treatment is also possible in the 70s and even 80s if a patient is healthy and has enough bone tissue; The case does not depend much on age but on the condition of the lower jaw and the general state of the patient. Screw retained implant supported prosthesis is a long term treatment option that ensures full functional load is restored.

What are side effects of all on 4?

The complications of All-on-4 dental implants are few and most of them do not last for long time. Some of the possible complications that patients may experience include mild swelling and bruising in the treated area as well as slight tenderness as the soft tissues and the bone acclimatize to the implants. Moreover, the patients may have gingival tenderness and slight gum bleeding, usually in the first two days after the procedure. Ach or pressure at the new prosthetic site may also be noticed as the patient adjusts to the new prosthetics. Compliance to postoperative care measures should be observed in order to prevent these effects and favor the best healing process. However, should there be, any unusual or persistent symptoms it is advisable to seek the services of the dentist.

How soon can I shower after all on 4?

I recommend my patient to avoid showering for at least one day in order to allow the first stage of wound healing to occur.

Waiting minimizes the chance of developing complications such as infection and increased inflammation. Avoiding hot water is important because it encourages blood flow to the area where the surgery will be performed, which can cause extra swelling and pain. Taking a shower in the first 24 hours after surgery is not recommended, but you can take a warm shower after the first day as long as the wound area is clean.

How to care for all an 4 dental implants?

All-on-Four dental implants are a common and successful treatment for tooth loss. It improves oral function, attractiveness, and self-confidence.

All-on-Four implants are popular in Turkey for economical, high-quality dental treatments. The nation has excellent dental technology, skilled dentists, and low prices.

Turkey All-on-Four Implant patients should evaluate pricing and clinics to discover the greatest value for their preferred level of care. Before treatment, they should have a clear treatment plan and cost estimate from the dentist.

All-on-Four implants improve quality of life and aid in smile restoration. Each situation is different, therefore, patients should examine the pros and cons before deciding.

Why choose all-on-4 dental implants?

  • Because of the early loss of all of his teeth, the patient has severe jaw bone resorption. Bone addition is expensive,
  • The full-mouth dental implant procedure takes much longer and is costly,
  • The number of implants, and the number of sessions required for the procedure is low, and the desired solution is achieved in a short time with all on 4,
  • Implants and temporary prostheses in the jaw in one day,
  • The patient does not remain toothless in any period of the treatment,
  • All on four technique is preferred because it saves the patient from problems caused by classical palate prostheses.

Who is suitable for All on Four dental implants?

  • It is applied to all individuals who experience toothlessness in the lower and upper jaws.
  • If the melting of the jawbone is advanced and the patient avoids bone supplement treatment, then All On Four implant treatment is applied.
  • Fixed prostheses to be made with all on 4 are the right choice if patients with high nauseous reflexes cannot use removable prostheses.

Who is not suitable for All-on-4 dental implants?

  • In those with gum disease,
  • When a person experiences trauma and breaks their teeth,
  • Bone disease caused by metabolism,
  • When chemotherapy is taken from the head and neck region in the last year,
  • Those who use the biophosphonate drug (Patients with osteoporosis use these drugs. In these patients, the possibility of breaking the bones is high.)
  • Those with hematological diseases such as anemia,
  • The All-On-Four method is not recommended for people who clench or grind their teeth uncontrollably at sleep. For these patients, a dental prosthetic palate is an ideal option.

What to expect after All-On-Four surgery?

  • Food and liquids should be avoided following the All-on-4 implant operation until the anaesthetic wears off.
  • There can be swelling and bruises after the procedure. Cold pressing can help to minimize bloating.
  • It is recommended to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and carbonated and acidic drinks for a minimum of three days.
  • Smoking should be totally quit in order to preserve tooth and oral health.
  • It is important to take the antibiotics, mouthwash, and painkillers that our dentists have prescribed without skipping doses.
  • You can also eat soft foods.
  • Paying attention to oral and dental health is necessary.

What is the difference between All-on-4 and regular implants?

  • Simple to maintain,
  • Implants and a temporary prosthesis are placed within the jaw in a single day.
  • Ensuring that, on the day of treatment, edentulous patients go home with their teeth.
  • Less expensive than whole mouth implant procedures,
  • The patient does not experience tooth loss throughout the course of treatment, which is an advantage of the all-on-four approach.
  • Treatment success rate high.

What are the differences between full mouth dental implant technique and all on four implant technique

  • Four dental implants are sufficient for the prosthesis when using the all-on-four. Eight dental implants are utilised in the traditional implant, one for the patient's upper and lower jaws.
  • The all-on-four implant process carries a very low treatment cost. The course of treatment is finished quickly.
  • There is no need for bone grafting with the all-on-four technique.

Are All-on-Four implants a painful procedure?

All-on-Four Implants are surgical, thus they may cause discomfort. Modern methods and anaesthesia make the surgery as painless as possible. The operation will be painless due to a local anaesthetic. Sedation may help some people relax throughout the treatment.

When is the temporary tooth inserted after the implant?

At the first appointment for the All-on-Four transaction;

  • Planning is done.
  • Three-dimensional jaw tomography is taken.
  • If a remaining tooth or tooth root in the jaw is to be treated, it is extracted.
  • Implant teeth, which we call artificial tooth roots, are screwed to the jawbone.
  • Temporary dental prosthesis to be inserted after the procedure is prepared. Immediately after the procedure, your temporary dentures are placed without leaving the clinic.

What is the lifespan of implants with the all on four technique?

Dental implants;

  • With regular maintenance,
  • When oral and gingival cleaning is not neglected,
  • When the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and carbonated and acidic beverages is minimized,

You can use your implants for 15-20 years or more without problems if the dentist checks are not interrupted every six months.

How long does pain last after All-on-4 implants?

There may be pain and suffering in the first 24 hours after the All-on-four angled implant procedure. After the procedure, our dentists will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics. The pain felt can be controlled with painkillers approved by our dentists. Don't worry about it.

Why wait 3-6 months for permanent prosthesis in all on four implant technique?

The material of the screw placed in the jaw of the implant, which we call a screwed dental implant or artificial tooth root, is titanium. It is a material that is very compatible with the body. The time required for the jawbone to wrap around the implant as if it were a part of the body, to form new bone around it, and to ensure the fusion of the implant and the jawbone is three months.

How many implants are needed for all on four?

Four implant teeth are inserted into the upper jaw and four into the lower jaw during the all-on-four procedure.

How many implants are required for all on four implants?

In an all-on-four treatment, eight implant teeth are screwed in—four on the top jaw and four on the lower jaw.


You can contact Clinic the One to get detailed information about All on 4 surgery and to be examined. You can also read all on 6 surgery.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon should be a priority.

We wish you healthy days.